Advantages of Stem Cell Supported Hair Transplantation

Advantages of stem cell supported hair transplantation

Stem Cell-Supported Hair TransplantationIt is an innovative treatment method that has gained popularity in recent years in combating problems such as hair loss and baldness. In this article, we will examine the advantages of this method in detail.

What is Stem Cell Supported Hair Transplantation?

Stem cell-assisted hair transplantation is a procedure that aims to revitalize hair follicles and prevent hair loss by using the individual's own stem cells. This method is especially preferred in cases where hair loss is genetic or when traditional hair transplantation methods are not sufficient.

Advantages of Stem Cell Supported Hair Transplantation

Faster Healing Process: Thanks to the healing properties of stem cells, the recovery process after hair transplantation can be faster and less painful.

Higher Success Rate: Stem cells contribute to higher retention rates and more permanent results after hair transplantation by encouraging the revitalization of hair follicles.

Natural Appearance: Stem cell-assisted hair transplantation makes the hair look more natural and allows the hairline to be shaped more naturally.

Reduced Side Effects: Compared to traditional hair transplantation methods, stem cell-assisted hair transplantation has fewer side effects and is generally less invasive.

Wide Area of Application: Stem cell-assisted hair transplantation can be applied to different types of hair loss in both men and women.

Donor Area Protection: This method helps protect the donor area and prevents hair density from decreasing in the donor area.

How is Stem Cell Supported Hair Transplantation Done?

Stem cell-assisted hair transplantation usually includes the following steps:

  1. Stem Cell Collection: Stem cells are collected from the patient's body, usually from fatty tissue.
  2. Stem Cell Isolation and Preparation: The collected stem cells are isolated and made ready for hair transplantation.
  3. Application to Hair Follicles: The prepared stem cells are injected into areas where hair loss occurs.


Stem cell supported hair transplantationIt offers an effective solution against hair loss and baldness problems. It has many advantages such as faster healing process, higher success rate, natural appearance, reduced side effects, wide application area and protection of the donor area. However, before any hair transplant procedure, it is important to consult a specialist doctor.




Selda Center

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