Stem Cell-Supported Hair Transplantation

Stem cell supported hair transplantationIt is an innovative hair transplantation method that uses stem cell technology to support the revitalization of hair follicles and the natural growth of hair. This method involves transplanting hair follicles as well as stem cells that stimulate hair regrowth.

How does it work?

Stem cell-assisted hair transplantation process usually includes the following steps:

  1. Stem Cell Collection: Stem cells are collected from the patient's body, usually from fat tissue.
  2. Stem Cell Isolation and Preparation: The collected stem cells are made ready for hair transplantation by going through a special process.
  3. Application to Hair Follicles: Prepared stem cells are injected into areas where hair loss occurs.

What are the advantages?

Stem cell supported hair transplantation It has many advantages:

  • More Effective Healing: Adding stem cells can speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of complications.
  • Better Hair Adhesion: Stem cells can help the transplanted hair follicles adhere better to the recipient area.
  • Increased Hair Quality: Adding stem cells can contribute to healthier and higher quality hair growth.
  • Less Donor Area Damage: This method may reduce the risk of damage to the donor area.

After Application

Stem cell supported hair transplantation Afterwards, patients usually go through a short recovery period. After the procedure, it may take several weeks or months for the hair follicles to revitalize and the formation of new hair strands.