Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Operation: Step into a Healthy Smile Healthy teeth are one of the cornerstones of beauty and self-confidence. However, over time, factors such as smoking, coffee and tea consumption can cause teeth to yellow and stain. This situation may negatively affect the individual's self-confidence as well as aesthetic concerns. Teeth whitening operation stands out as an effective method that provides solutions to these aesthetic problems. What is Teeth Whitening Operation? Teeth whitening operation is an aesthetic dental procedure performed to remove discoloration of teeth and obtain a whiter smile. This operation is usually performed under the supervision and expertise of the dentist. There are two basic teeth whitening methods:
  1. Office Type Teeth Whitening:
    • It is performed in the dentist's clinic.
    • A strong teeth whitening gel is used.
    • Interaction can be achieved with a laser or a special light source.
    • Fast and effective results can be obtained.
  2. Home Teeth Whitening:
    • Plates prepared specifically for the individual by the dentist are used.
    • The patient uses these plates at home for a certain period of time.
    • It is a longer process, but provides gradual whitening.
How is Teeth Whitening Operation Performed?
  1. Inspection and Planning:
    • The dentist evaluates the patient's overall dental health.
    • The current tooth color is determined and the target color is decided upon.
  2. Teeth Cleaning:
    • The tooth surface is prepared by cleaning plaque and tartar.
  3. Gel Application:
    • A special whitening gel is applied to the teeth.
    • These gels often contain hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Light or Laser Activation:
    • The gel is interacted with a special light source.
    • This speeds up the whitening process.
  5. Control and Second Session (Optional):
    • Tooth color is checked and a second session can be applied if necessary.
  1. Aesthetic Development: Removing stains on teeth and obtaining a whiter smile.
  2. Quick Results: Immediate results can be achieved with in-office teeth whitening.
  3. Safe and Controlled: It is performed under the control of specialist dentists.
Things to Consider:
  1. Sensibility: Temporary tooth sensitivity may occur after the procedure.
  2. Repeatability: Teeth whitening procedures can be repeated over time.
  3. Long Term Maintenance: It is important to continue regular oral care and dentist visits for permanent results.
Conclusion: Teeth whitening surgery offers an effective option to give individuals a healthy and aesthetic smile. It is possible to obtain safe and successful results when this operation is performed by expert dentists. Remember that a healthy smile can increase your overall self-confidence and have a positive impact on your social relationships.